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Dani Kocic

Bachelor of Social Science – Swinburne University Graduate Diploma of Professional Psychology – Monash University Master of Professional Psychology – Victoria University


Dani is a registered Psychologist who is skilled in conducting a range of clinical and forensic risk assessments and has expertise in writing psychological reports to inform various courts and bodies in civil and criminal matters. Dani has experience in providing psychological services to complex clients such as victims of crimes and individuals being accused of serious crimes. She has developed psychological assessments for individuals in custodial and community settings with a range of complexities including mental illness, trauma, substance use issues, and problem behaviours. Dani has knowledge of multiple risk assessment tools and the structured professional judgement model. She has completed training in psychometric assessments relevant to providing structured risk assessment, including the HCR 20 V3 and stalking risk profile. She has experience in conducting mental health assessments, violence risk assessments, stalking risk assessments, cognitive assessments, and evidence-based case formulations. She holds full registration as a Psychologist with the Psychology Board of Australia, and she is a member of the Australian Psychological Society.

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